Order the Annual Personal Income Tax Return
Tradelicense.cz offers accounting services, claims tax deductions and files Income Tax Returns for foreigners working on a Trade License (žívnostenský list), employees and other private individuals in Czech Republic.
What is the fee for Preparing and Filing a Tax Return?
The Order form will display the fee according to the type(s) of income you select on that form. Easy case = lower fee.
Everything is done remotely, without the need to visit our office. You can send in your documents by email / Google Drive share.
Very useful is the online Document Intake meeting to talk about your details, your previous financial year, tax legislation and what to expect in the new year, do's & don'ts. Trade License holders will get a 60-minute meeting / consultation.
Note: Let us know if your Business Visa needs to be extended; we check if with your income you can get a Visa Extension. We know how to prepare papers for the Foreign Police.
How to file a Personal Income Tax Return
Part 1 : The Online Part
- 1 - Order & Pay the Tax Return with the form on this page,
- 2 - Fill in the Online Questionnaire about your income situation,
- 3 - Book a free 30-minute online Document Intake meeting (60 mins for TL),
- 4 - Generate the Powers of Attorneys for representing you at the authorities,
Part 2: We prepare & file your Income Tax Return
Part 3: Finishing up the previous tax year, preparing for the new tax year.
- You will get a paper copy / pdf of the Tax Return, Social & Health overviews,
- You will get a written Explanation of the Tax Return,
- You will get Payment Instructions for last year's Income Tax / Social / Health charges, when and to which accounts,
- You will get Payment Instructions for the current year's Tax prepayments, Social Charges and Health Care Contributions,
During the year
- You can always book a 30-minute call for a Few Quick Questions
- Or a 60-minute ZOOM / Google Meet Consultation which includes elaborate financial planning + PDFs
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